One of the duties of the principal is to appoint a faculty council to be associated with the NEHS chapter. The principal can assign this responsibility to the chapter adviser; however, the principal ultimately should approve all faculty council members before their first meeting.

Who Can Be on Faculty Council?

Faculty council members should be from the school’s professional staff (teachers, counselors, etc.) and not support personnel, such as administrative or custodial staff. The chapter adviser serves as an active member of the council, facilitating all meetings.

The National Handbook prohibits principals or assistant principals from serving as members of this council. This is done to ensure impartiality should a matter require a principal’s action, such as an appeal by a nonselected student or a discipline or dismissal action.

The Faculty Council’s Responsibilities

The faculty council works with the adviser to develop and periodically review local selection procedures and disciplinary procedures.

Faculty council members serve for one year and may be appointed to consecutive terms. The faculty council meets at least once a year to:

  • Review chapter procedures
  • Select new chapter members

They also meet, as needed, to consider disciplinary and/or dismissal actions. (See Article IX of the National Constitution and related sections of the National Handbook regarding discipline and dismissal.)

In selecting members for a chapter’s faculty council, principals should remember that these individuals are working on behalf of, and are representative of, the entire school faculty.

Faculty council members will need to display a commitment to the effective management of the chapter and be fully knowledgeable of, and carefully follow, all chapter guidelines and procedures.